Someone hit my parked car last night and sped off without leaving any details. Basic hit and run. I realised the alarm going on outside was my car, confirmed this by a glance outside my bedroom window, and went downstairs to turn it off. This was about 9:10pm. Realised the whole front of my car was damaged and the car has been moved back about 3-4 feet. (I remember exactly where I parked because a tree was blocking my drivers door so I parked with just enough space to clear it). At this time I had no idea who had done this.
That was last night and this morning one of my neighbours tells me that there is a witness who saw the whole thing and has the registration of the car that hit mine. I took pictures of all the damage today and retrieved some rear red light things from the floor underneath the front of my car obviously from the car that had hit me. They say Fiat on them.
Got the information from the witness and he says a black car was spinning its wheels furiously from a parked position then suddenly reversed at great speed and struck my car and immediately took off. My car moved back so much it struck the car behind it which in turn struck a third car behind it. He noted the time (8:40pm) and the reg, and said a young man was the driver. I've typed the reg into an online registration checker and it gives the make of the car as a Fiat and the colour as black. I've also checked to see if the car is insured and it isn't. The witness is prepared to give any statement to the police and go to court if neccessary.
I went to the police station tonight to report it with all my evidence and details and I've been given a 'Road Traffic Collision/Accident Self Reporting Scheme' form to fill in and return. With the promise of an interview by traffic detectives or something when the form is handed in.
So basically an uninsured young hooligan driver has smashed up my car and driven off..
It's a 1996 BMW 325 TDS, not really worth anything over £800. So what are my options and who pays for the repair? Can I get compensation for this? And how long will it take? Do I have to tell the insurance company? I have almost 8 years no claims bonus and have never had an accident before. I really don't want to lose my ncb.
A relative has said that in the case of a hit and run I will get compensation but it will take time (but he didn't clarify from whom I claim) that I need to make sure I have a professional estimate taken of all the repair work so that when the time comes I can claim an exact figure. Is this all true?
Any advice and experience would be welcome.