It's simple.. but it's easy to forget
before you get out of your car for the night..
If it was pouring down when you got home.... turn off the wipers before you get out.
If it was gently snowing as you pulled in... turn off the wipers before you get out
When you get back in... be careful to not push the wiper control arm up before starting it.
This last week... with frozen screens and wiper blades stuck to the glass.. I have seen COUNTLESS people with torn wiper blades..and a few very sad ones with damaged wiper motor linkages..... where the wipers were stuck and when the car was started in the morning, they activated immediately.
Torn wiper blades ruin your visibility and cost money to replace.
Damaged wiper linkages or worse.. damaged motors...cost a LOT and reneder your car un-driveable.
So... tell you mum/dad/boyfriend/girlfriend/aunty...
turn the wipers OFF before you get out and when you restart the car in the morning.... WARM THE SCREEN WITH THE FAN before turning on the wipers.
DONT use the wipers to scrape ice off... dont do it.
case closed.