Yes,as nearly 99% of ambulances speeding are except anyway and all the hours wasted in filing counter claims is hours not spent actually doing what the NHS is meant to do.
Or are all the people here going to start moaning if an ambulance gets late,etc and start blaming the NHS for not seeing to their loved ones quick enough.
If that is not important then lets electronically limit all cars to not more than 60mph.
Whereas,sadly for you all those people who have their earnings abroad,and keep them abroad won't be paying a percentage of their income,just whatever they earn here.
Plus all those millionaires will still get charged a pittance relatively speaking.
So if the PM's motorcade breaks the speed limit,they give her state car a ticket and expect them to pay - OK then.
LMAO,so the last couple of decades of the police and council getting into trouble,when found out about various things never happened - you mean all those famous high profile cases when all the crap comes out.
I love how you seem to trust councils,the police and the government 100% and will never question them - you mean the same country where we invaded Iraq on made up stuff and not a single person has been taking to task criminally for 1000s of dead and injured soliders,billions of pounds of destroyed and worn out equipment and the radicalisation of Muslims in this country.
The billions wasted on public projects and rarely do we ever get someone investigated for these.
What about diesel cars - the government pushed those for years,and now suddenly they are all bad,buy something else.
Its all about rooking people,and making a fast buck - this is why we have crap public transport which is not even affordable for many people,and not even flexible enough so people buy cars,but then its the wrong type of cars....
No,no never ever question the government or anybody they have shown over the last 40 years,they always have the best interests of the public.
The reason why this culture of rooking people has happened here,is people just accept it and accept it and accept it.
Then people are shocked when they hear so many millions are on food assistance in such a rich country.
No wonder when people are hit with stealth taxes hook,line and sinker,and get less and less back.
I honestly feel sorry for the younger generation.
Do you honestly think with crashing police funding,there is no impetus to try and race more funds via other means,just like with hospitals whacking up the cost of parking.
Why is this all happening - because our lovely leaders screwed up so now all of us will be paying an increasing cost for decades.
Wait until they start trying to fine more and more people for driving "too slow".