Just... wrong...
Gotta love the gear knob tho eh
eurrgh >.<
gotta love the stealthy wiring on the flatscreen/remote
[slap mode] BOSSH....SCLAAAAP[/slap mode]
Originally Posted by Advice Trinity by Knoxville
Whats the base car for that? mr2?
Tough on mirrors, tough on the causes of mirrors.
Don't get me wrong, the sight of a vandalised Ferrari ought to be enough to warm the cockles of my heart, but ye gods, there are limits. I wouldn't do to a dead donkey what that thing's had done to it, and if it's a Fezzer I'll eat my hat. That's an Esprit that someone's tarted up with a few badges...
...and that's just CRIMINAL.
Last edited by nichomach; 14-03-2005 at 11:47 AM.
Aye your right, and its bloody criminal, the esprit is hardly a bad car, why do this to it.... WHY????
Something to do with the 2 Euro German badges perhaps?
its very very wrong
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I thought it might've been the esprit, but i thought "nah, can't be, its a lotus as it is. They wouldn't dare." So i though maybe they modified an mr2. This is indeed criminal.
Tough on mirrors, tough on the causes of mirrors.
Bloody hell that's nuts. I'd have an Esprit over any Ferrari short of an F355 anyway....
the hand cut chequer plate, the stupid 'Rari badges, the stupid person who did it...
I feel quite ill
Originally Posted by Advice Trinity by Knoxville
oh I keep coming back to it....
the phone holder, the 3 holes for the OLD phone holder, the chequer plate to the sill in an L shape ? the pastic vents, the stealthy neon tube, the bleedin' great stero aperture with nowt but a dongle hanging loose, the COLOUR of the bile interior, the roof mounted "things" the holes where the front indiactors SHOULD be, the state of it....the Ferarri 5 spokes might be real....or might not be....the bent boot spoiler, the wind deflector on the wiper arm...
oh please....someone...make red crosses appear and the hosting of those piccies die
Originally Posted by Advice Trinity by Knoxville
Its the inside that makes me feel ill, look at the lack of workmanship inside!, its much worse than the exterior work imo. Look at the door trim the far side. The centre panel looks like protective steel coating like you find on floors. The quality of the LED's and switches is just laughable.
EDIT: Heh as always Zak makes the point in car terms much more elegantly that I ever could
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