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i used to commute on my bike all the time, day in day out rain or sun and the ammount of times i was almost run over or hit by 4x4s turning left drives me nuts. i like to think im a reasonable resonsible cyclist, though like rave i think its ok to bend the rules a little, i mean do we all follow every rule when driving? (indicators, speeding?)
but there are those few idiots that ruin it for the rest of us as always and get too agressive or are just plain daft. on my commuting bie every possible point on contact was metal, so when i was diven into there would be a reminder left. (and i stress 'driven into' not me trying to cause damage). the thing is that i learnt to ride to survive the way to work, which involved riding down the middle of busy streets not the left of the left lane or you get doors opened on you or someone turning left on you, even pedestrians stepping out without looking.
i loved commuting on a bike, it woke me up, kept me fit and was usuallly more entertaining than the car, shame it's too far usually now.