Just so you ALL understand Tax disk duty....here's how it works.
If your car was registered before 2001 Y reg.....ie its an X reg from 2001 or before, then its simply a BIG engine or a SMALL engine.
The size is 1549cc.......over that its BIG. Under or same, its SMALL.
Price: Big=165 Small= 110
Now the complex bit....cars from Y reg one ward.....Carbon Dioxide Emissions....CO2 per Km travelled.
There are LOTS of different CO2 emmissions....so you gotta get it OFF your V5 (log book) and then use a chart to see its cost.
Petrol and Diesel and Dual Fuel are ALL different....
http://www.dvla.gov.uk/vehicles/taxa...#Private/Light Goods Vehicles (Vehicles registered on or 1st March 2001)
Go see......
now the last bit....if you buy 6months, you pay half PLUS 10%
Dead easy.....
Hope it helps you all