This started happening yesterday. I can usually start my car on the first attempt. Then, if I leave it running with no revs, it almost cuts out immediatly. Whilst driving, everytime I approach a roundabout or junction, or need to slow down, the engine cuts off. It almost seems like it runs better when the car is warm, which makes me suspicious of a battery problem.
When I arrived at work this morning, I turned into the car park - engine cuts off. I found a bay to park in, left the car running, it didn't cut off, but it still didn't seem 100%, it seemed slightly quieter than usual. I will be checking the oil in my lunch break, so I'll report back if I continue to get problems.
On asking the opinion of a workmate, he explained that it could be down to condensation. It has been very humid here (Oxfordshire) over the past couple of days and my car has been standing since Sunday.