Awesome work, what a fantastic result.
Thanks for sharing.
Printable View
Awesome work, what a fantastic result.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks, glad you like it (and yes I'm typing this on it ;) so I still have and use it.)
As to my next project . . . since this I did a couple of quick mods to a coolermaster elite 120
I've actually finished project other half, it's just still waiting for me to transfer all the internals over.
And I've still not got around to finding and rebuilding the log for project dichotomy
I really must do that, but it involves me going back over my photobucket images finding the right ones, trying to remember what I did and the order in which I took them and finally retyping it all up.
I'm thinking about modding my current case a HAF 912 this summer but I'm just stuck for ideas.
Very nice mod! That looks wicked, I would never have thought about modding a laptop but might just give it a try after seeing how good it can turn out. Simple me needs a simple mod so ill use you as a guide for a simple colour change I think.
The hardest part is getting your laptop apart and them trying to remember how to put it back together again.
A cheaper option is vinyl skins, I don't know a good company for these, have a hunt for "vinyl laptop skins" you can find youtube videos on how to apply them.
The advantages is it's cheaper (if you don't already have the paints and equipment) much easier and quicker to do, you can often apply them without taking any thing apart.
You can get all sorts of colours, patterns, effects and even get images printed onto the vinyl.
Personally I was thinking about using 3M Carbon Fiber DI-NOC film on it at first, before I though about painting it.
it's a 3d carbon fiber film, but unlike a standard vinyl if you apply heat to it you can mould and stretch it and when it cools it keeps the shape. (although personally I'd take a laptop apart first I'd be too worried about heat damage with Di-noc.)
Normal vinyl is easier to apply as no heat is involved but surfaces curved in more than one direction (ie a ball not a cylinder) can be an issue often involving cutting out darts (thin triangles) to make it curve around.
I've used vinyl before but was it was done by a company for £55(KM Vinyl Graphics in Horley):
edit: Image not showing, but linkk is []
Now I want to try something myself so it has that personal touch..