I was bored last night so have decided to make my own case. I'm pretty pissed off at having to lug my metal case about so I'm going to make a custom small case from something like perspex.
The basic brief is that it has to be as physically small as possible while still being able to do everything my computer can do now. Cost is an issue so the cheaper the better. The biggest issue is that it also has to fit watercooling!
The components are the same as below save for I have a matx motherboard to swap into and I'll probably get a MCW60 or maze 4 for the gpu. The most awkward items seem to be the psu and dvdrw so I will almost certainly get a modular psu and slimline cdrw drive. Even better would be a shuttle psu but I don't know where you can get a 350w version as I can only find the 250w ones for sale and I don't think they are up to the job.
Airflow will be done by two input 120mm fans on the radiator and a 92mm fan on the back. I'd like the 120mm fans to be inside the case but this means making it slightly longer so we'll see.
I would quite like to use perspex sheets as the case material and then epoxy it together and cut suitable holes for each part. Not sure about mounting things yet though (dvd drive, standoffs for mobo etc). I haven't yet included the hdd or pump but the pump will go up by the radiator barbs and the hdd will go on some convenient gap somewhere.
Things are very much in the planning stage so any ideas/comments would be great.
Here are some sketches I quickly did in google sketchup, dimesions are all correct. Final size has come out to be 300x300x180mm. By comparison my slk3000b is 450x460x210mm and an SN25p is 325x 220 x 210mm. Volumes are : 16.2m mm3 for mine, 43.5 for the slk3000b and 15.0 for the sn25p.