Get a replacement first, if 2 break then get a refund!
Get a replacement first, if 2 break then get a refund!
Not around too often!
As you probably know I have had a 360 since the launch day - during this time I have had 2 fail on me so I know how you feel
As other people have stated I personally would get a replacement - then "if" the replacement fails go for a refund - by then the new version of the PS2 with the 40Gig Hard drive should be available and if you want you could always go for that.
Please note that the 40 Gig version isnt backward compatible with the PS2 games.
Both the orginal PS1 and PS2 models definitely suffered common faults, I remember having to get my PS1 replaced due to the infamous clicking-drive problem, and my PS2 was replaced for a reason I can not remember, but I'm sure it was another well-known issue that was fixed in the next model. Although neither gained the infamy and coverage the 360 RROD has got. Maybe that's to do with the communication age we live in though? I'm not trying to back MS up, I've never owned an XBOX (original or 360) and probably never will, the whole RROD issue has completely put me off.
You're right about the old-school consoles though, they were all rock solid.
This amazes me. If that is what it takes to keep something working, then they should bundle the desk fan and some instructions with it!!
These kind of things shouldnt be required, but while people go out and buy something knowing it has a poor track record MS will never bother changing it. If people are buying it, why change it.
I would personally quite like a 360 to mess about on, but there ain't a chance I'd buy one given the current reports. A 40Gb PS3 might be tempting, given the price, it doesnt have many top games out yet, but at least you can play them.
Last edited by s_kinton; 08-10-2007 at 11:46 AM.
The fact you need to put a desk fan near it, stick it in the freezer, put it 34.9 degree's vertically maybe a worthy solution to the problem BUT these problems shouldnt exist in the first place.
Why when spending £300 should you have to do all that? Its MS's responsibility to build something that works out of the box.
.: Rishi :.
i got the RROD after having my brand new 360 for 3 and a half months (incidentally i was trying to sell it on here at the time!) - i was not impressed and i was definitely not ready to go through it again.
so i got it repaired, took around 4weeks to get it back - traded that sucker in for a ps3. best decision i made all year.
Living and dying laughing and crying
Once you have seen it you will never be the same
Life in the fast lane is just how it seems
Hard and it is heavy dirty and mean
It comes to something when you have to consider a PS3, not because its your first choice, but because your first choice will probably go supernova. Microsoft *really* know how to shoot themselves in the foot.
Sony are in the ****, lets be honest - at launch there was Fall of Man, which is overshadowed by at least 3 Xbox FPS (Halo3, BioShock, Gears of War), and MotorStorm. Now, months later... probably the same, with Heavenly Sword thrown in, which looks amazing, but apparently is (like MotorStorm really) too short, too simple, and just a pretty face with no brains.
But the PS3 doesn't melt. It works when you turn it on. You don't need a desk fan. You don't need a 2p and a paper clip on standby.
The only reason to buy a PS3, and the only chink in Microsofts armour is the fail rate.
Also, surely if the Core and Premium consoles are droping like flies, and then a new, shiny black, 120gb, HDMI ported, new GPU coolered, 'Elite' version comes out, wouldn't you sort of think that the first thing this Elite addresses is the cheese motherboard?
No point just painting the box black and putting a bigger drive in if its still going to go Pete Tong. You can paint it invisible (cool!) and put a 90Tb drive in; if it breaks after a week, a PS3 looks like a reasonable choice all of a sudden.
Microsoft have the PS3 just where they want them - all they have to do is stop their soldiers commiting suicide.
EDIT - Oh yeah, I ordered a replacement. I will put it vertical. I will use a desk fan. I will... etc. If it melts after 3 days Sony will get the least deserved sale in the history of consoles.
Blame all these tree-huggers Stewart.
If they didn't complain about getting all the nasty toxic bits out of components then the solder would be good as it wouldn't dry and crack and flake all over the place. Now couple this with the warping system boards and you get the major cause of the RRoD syndrome.
I reckon this RoHS is causing a lot of issues for a lot of companies, but this is the only major one people know about.
You spend all that money on a 360 and you still need a 2p coin to keep it going
.: Rishi :.
Nope - it's used to remove the removable panels - it's not as if we've got a pile of 2p's and built a copper block to fit on the CPU/GPU.... *hmm now thats an idea*
I've found a guide recently that shows how to mod a corsair nautilus watercooler with 2 alphacool waterblocks to fit the xbox 360 and I may just watercool mine to keep it quiet and cool.
My PC is quieter than my 360 and it's got the side panel off
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