silly question i know i need usb but will any work such as my logitech g15 and g5 or do i need a specific kit to use on my 360 wanna get some fps but cant do a controller
cheers for the help
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There is an adapter floating around: XFPS 360 Keyboard/Mouse Adapter - ProductWiki, unbiased product reviews and information
I am currently using a KB+M on my 360. It ain't perfect, easy or particularly cheap. But I play a lot better at CoD4 then I do with a control pad. There's a forum thread that I followed here. It currently stands at 98 pages long though.
Basically, a company (XCM) has brought out an adaptor (3 evolutions now) that converts KB+M into control pad signals. It also allows PS2 controllers for the Xbox 360 as well. The latest version, XFPS Sniper 3.0 more or less works. The previous 2 don't on their own. Main problem was the dead zone that control pads have for the thumb sticks, so small movements with the mouse don't register, making it quite awkward. Then someone struck on the idea of plugging a KB+M -> Playstation 2 converter onto it (SmartJoy Frag). The advantage of this converter was that it allowed adjustment of the dead zone and mulitple key layouts. This is what I am using, and whilst still not perfect, is at least very playable on a lot of games.
However, there is still a major disadvantage with this setup, it is very picky on the KB and mouse you use. The connectors have to be PS2 (not playstation 2, the old connector type), the keyboard has to be plain with no media buttons and stuff. The only decent mouse that works well really is the MX518. This also has adjustable sensitivity on it, which I have found very useful in Halo 3 when getting into vehicles.
Then someone went one step further and created a USB interface between his PC and the XFPS adaptor. This allows for any KB+M combo on the PC, and the software really lets you fiddle with the settings. It boasts another advatage over the above setup, it can cancel out the acceleration when you move. On a control pad, as you move the stick further, the turn rate moves faster. When a mouse is used, it means the speed at which you move the mouse and the speed the game moves is not linear. I've managed to adjust to this a bit, but does mean you can end up turning too far if you just want to swing around to check your back.
I never mentioned the 3rd party adaptors because in my experience in the past with these is that they are more trouble than they are worth.
I used one on the original xbox for halo2 and while it worked ok there was no end of bugs and using it with any other game was pretty pointless. Until they make an offical KB+M adaptor then I'll stick to the pad on the 360.
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Ive never understood the obsession with wanting to use keyboard/mouse on a console, if you dont like joypads dont play FPS (usual game type people whinge about) on your xbox, hardly a shortage of them for PC. Easiest solution by far.
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