Right, i was at a wedding a few months ago, and my aunt asked me if i could take a photo of her and my uncle for them, so, i did, but I hadn't realised how dark it had turned out. anyway, I told her it hadn't turned out that great etc, and she was looking through my mem card yesterday and spotted the photo, and asked again if i could print ehr a copy of it. now i don't really want to give her the unedited copy, cos it's just stupidly dark (I'd not had a chance to play with the settings yet, and it was still set to ISO800). Dispite my frantic efforts in photoshop, i just cant lighten it up enough to make it printable without it looking grainy, SOOOOOOOO....
could anyone PLEASE gimme a hand and see if you can make it any better for me?
the linky to the original file is here
thankis in advance!