Having moved out of the family abode and now have a decent sized room in my flat, I'm currently looking into the world of separates (again !)
I'm at an absolute loss as to what to look for, etc. To start off with as all I would need is an amplifier and set of speakers as I intend to run it all off my PC. I can then build up as I go along (should I want to)
I've had a look in some of the second hnd stores such as Cash Generator and fell out with their sales staff when then tried to argue you could run a set of 16 ohm speakewrs on an 8ohm rated amp only, saying it would make no difference, till I pointed out you'd be over driving the amp if running speakers with a a higher rating on them than the amp was designed for, then a firther argument when I told them their "Sold as seen" sign was no longer a valid term and that it was seen as an attempt to restrict peoples rights.
Will be used for gaming, listening to varying kinds of music, movies etc.
Looking at Technics/Sony/Pioneer for the amplifier, speaker wise would not mind some floor standing ones given as as I have the room for them etc. I guess I'd be looking for something like Mission speakers ?