I am looking to buy a HDTV Ready Plasma TV most likely (the Pioneer PDP-436XDE or the PDP-506XDE are my dream choices) within the next 6-9 months or so, but I have a question that no-one seems able to answer.
Both of these screens and most other HDTV screens display 768 verticle pixels which is fine for 720p, one of the standard resolutions for HDTV, but I'm at a loss how these screens display 1080i or 1080p?
Surely a screen that needs to display 1080i/p will need this number of verticle pixels. If this is not the case then can anyone who knows the answer please share it with me.
Also, as a side point, if the screen has 768 verticle pixels and displays an image that is 720 pixels high will it lose out on 48 verticle pixels? In which case are there going to be very small black bars at the top or the bottom?