I have loads of old home videos on VHS-C ( i have a VHS adapter), that i want to transfer to my PC.
My camcorder has an s-video out, as well as some other old type video outs too.
I have a standard (came oem) x800xt which has an s-video port on it( authough i seem to have lost the s-video cable), however i dont know if this is in/out or both.
Also my VHS player is rubbish and its only inputs/outputs are and input and output scart.
So what is the best way of doing it?
First off should it be done VHS-C to VHS adapter and thus through my VHS player.
Or via s-video directly from my Camcorder (bear in mind it is old and take quite a few attempts to turn on.
Im thinking the best and most reliable way would be through a VHS player, if so:
Whats the best way to transfer to my PC, ie what do i need.
WHat format shall i record in, MPEG-2??
what is the best program for what i want, and i am a video editing noob! I would just like to seperate the video into scenes and creat a simple menu as well as mabe cutting out the bits which had the lense cap on!
Is anything doen which could improve the quality?
After that i will want to creat some copys on dvd but that would just be a quick job on nero right?
Thanks so much!!
EDIT: Ok what i think i need is capture card (a TV card) and a VHS. What connectors do i need on the VHS player?
EDIT: Ok so will this work: VHS player connected to the TV card via this phono cable the vhs end of which is going through a phono to scart adapter into the scart out socket.
Then the video can be captured by the tv card and converted into mpeg2. Then i can edit the mpeg2?
Would that work and is it the best way of doing it, im guessing doing it via phono is not goign to hamper quality as that is quite bad already?
Is Adobe Premiere elements 4.0 good for the software as i already have a copy of this?