And on that day, satan will skate to work to the sounds of her majesties flying pig brigade
And on that day, satan will skate to work to the sounds of her majesties flying pig brigade
but that was 3 days ago jeez knox keep up with the times
we all know whos going on teh kitchin roof...... me and some form of single female........ or finn if she tries anything with any body cause u know what she is like when she is drunk
yeah.....thats a great and a drunk finn alone on my kitchen roof, that'll definatly stop anything happening.
I vote ste goes out for that job, he'll be so wasted he won't even be able to see her to perve
oi shush... its my job to look after her
and te would turn on wiffle mode and be a lady sex machine
i vote me... i can controll myself well with some handcuffs
will have to borrow them off u wont i hank
handcuffs........oh great......thats all i need, kinky wiffle love on my roof.
I still vote ste, it'd be comical!
yeah it would actually......
i will give him all my powers and then finn will be in love with him... super sexy ste
why isnt here to defend himself
god damn his n00byness
damn his human sleep patterns
talking bout spammin.................................
*cough* hank *cough* wiffle *cough*
errr ? ? ?
im confused
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