I’m looking at a new build including a Q6600 G0 and a Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3R motherboard or possibly the GA-P35C-DS3R.
I anticipate buying the CPU, GPU, MB, PSU and Ram from one supplier – Scan UK – to minimise sorting out any problems which may arise once assembled.
I’ll be using XPPro initially but anticipate installing dual boot with Vista during the life of the PC.
I’ve never overclocked before but intend doing so. From what I understand I think I can keep it fairly simple by raising the FSB up to say 400 which would give a theoretical overclock of 3.6 GHz with PC6400 ram.
It’s quite possible/likely I may not get to 3.6 GHz but I certainly don’t anticipate trying for anything higher.
I’m thinking of 4 GB of Ram and would like to choose whatever is most likely to meet my needs with the minimum risk of having problems.
Looking at Scan UK some options seem to be:
2 x 2 GB - TWIN2X4096-6400C5 G
2 x 1 GB - TWIN2X2048-6400C4DHX – 2 off
2 x 1 GB - TWIN2X2048-6400C5DHX – 2 off
I believe the above are compatible with the GA_P35_DS3R and I’m inclined to go for the last kit which is the cheapest.
Can anyone please confirm if 2 sets of this Ram ie 4 sticks would be suitable and unlikely to cause problems with this MB.