I have reached the limit of overclocking my DDR2 ram. its at DDR 900 and i know the max it will do is DDR 980 @ 1.9v which is as high as im willing to go. its currently at 1:1 with the FSB and im sure ive got no deviders to push me up <80MHz. I've tightened up all the timings as much as i can, so naturally i go about lowering the voltage until it wont post.
to my surprise I got down to 1.65v and it posted!?! 1.55v failed, so back up to 1.65v it was.
Currently running memtest, 1 pass complete @ 1.65v
my question, will undervolting my ram this heavily damage it? or is it all good if it passes memtest overnight. Im shocked DDR2 ram can run this low voltage....
I didnt realize this was some kinda corsair support thingy. but as it goes its corsair xms2 ram
Edit 2
did 15h of memtest with 15 passes complete with no errors @1.65v
unfortunatly 3.6GHz isnt happening for me (with ram at 2v for testing) so ive backed off to 3.5GHz and trying to get that stable.
when im happy with that, can anyone recommend a program to fully stress test my ram @1.65v to see if it really is preforming properly? is a large data size test in occt good enough?