It's about time for a new PC build and this time I thought I'd finally make the jump to watercooling. I'll be building a Threadripper-based system (either 1900X or 1920X) and I've considered an AIO, from either Swiftech or EK (which should be arriving by the end of the year), but rather than wait for those to launch I thought I might as well opt for a custom loop.
So....given that this is fresh territory for me, I thought it best to run it past people who know before actually buying anything. Below is a list of the main components I've settled on right now and if anything stupid or sub-par jump out at you I'd be grateful to hear your thoughts.
Waterblock: XSPC Raystorm or EK SupremacyPrimoChill (depending on price & availability)
Radiator: Alphacool NexXxoS XT45 Full Copper 420mm
Fans: 3 x NB eLoop B14-PS (1200rpm/24dB)
Pump/Reservoir: XSPC D5 Bay Reservoir, EK DBAY D5 or Alphacool Eisfach
Tubing: Soft 16/10 tubing, EK or PrimoChill
Hose Fittings: EK-ACF Compression Fittings
Cooling Liquid: Whatever's easily available
Does this look like a competent set-up?
My primary concerns are silent operation and dependability, not overclocking (or I wouldn't be building a TR4 system, although I would like to run it at 4GHz). Given that, I'd like your thoughts on whether I can step down to the 900rpm NB eLoops and still retain sufficient cooling, or if I'd be better with the ones listed? Any other thoughts you may have would of course be very welcome.
- B