AMD has confirmed that hitting 2,000MHz on the Infinity Fabric clock of Ryzen 5000 CPUs may not be as easy as first hoped. In fact you may not have any luck at all, which would mimic our own experience of trying to get a set of Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro DDR4-4000MHz RAM running for our Ryzen 9 5900X review. To be clear the memory worked just fine, but any attempts at running the FCLK above 1,800MHz resulted in misery.
I reached out to AMD to see what was happening, and this was the response:
"We are working on additional optimizations for 1900-2000MHz fabric clocks in our next AGESA release. AMD cannot guarantee any samples, including your own, will be able to hit these speeds. Although some current Ryzen 5000 samples are able to achieve a 1900+ fabric speed we feel confident even more users will be able to obtain these speeds with the forthcoming optimizations. If you recall on the 3000 series many, but not all, users were able to achieve a fabric speed of 1900. We believe this will be a similar situation with 5000 series processors and 2000MHz."