Yesterday my digital "bedroom" project got a step closer to completion, this is with an sparky coming around to work out what we can do.
I had several things which I needed to achieve.
In the Walk in Wardrobe (which will house the PC
- 4 Electricity Sockets (1 for PC, 1 for TV, 1 for XBOX, 1 for Monitor)
- 1 Aerial Socket - with cabling to booster box in loft (I route Sky around my house via Aerial cable)
- 1 double RJ45 socket - with cabling to the loft.
The Loft
- 1 Double socket (To plug a Switch in to)
- RJ45 cabling to my office, and the walk in wardrobe.
The Wardrobe in the bedroom
- 1 Double Socket for power (the bedroom only has 1 at the moment in total
- 3 Downlighters to light the wardrobe
- 1 pressure switch so that the lights in the wardrobe stay on for 5 minutes maximum
In the bedroom
- Double socket near the window
- Dimmer switch for the main light.
In my office
- 1 Telephone Point (I will do this myself)
- RJ45 socket in the "ceiling so I can run a cable if I need it - this can go to a switch for multiple PC's.
As you can see, a fair list of jobs to do. I can do most of the laying of cabling but I have no interest in putting in sockets as they could lead to problems or pain - better to get it done
So for £20/hour I have a sparky who will do all of these - he says a day (ish!) to do the lot and I can provide parts - so over to Screwfix with me.