I need to find a monitor that can handle at least 1050 pixels on the vertical yet cannot be physically any wider than 485mm.
From some searching (I've looked at the entire HP monitor catalogue across all the ranges), it looks like they all jump from 19" or 20" models (which are under 485mm wide) but 1600x900 resolution to 21.5" which is full HD, but 508mm wide.
Does anyone know of a monitor that offers a resolution of 1680x1050, 1920x1080 or 1920x1200 resolution yet is not physically wider than 485mm? A 4:3 1600x1200 would be OK, but it looks like they're no longer made by anyone. Needs to offer both VGA and DVI.
It has to be new and a currently available model as it's for work and we need quite a few dozen...