It first happened a few months ago, a dominant pink tint came across the left of my monitor. I was messing around with the buttons on the monitor and that solved it. But now it's back, and I've tried everything I can possibly think of:
- Reinstall GPU
It was only today that I received my brand new 7870 GPU (some of you may of seen my post regarding a GPU choice - thanks!).
- Uninstall Monitor Drivers
- Check power supply to GPU
- Check all cables are firmly in place
... the pinkness is STILL there. After looking closely, I can just about work out a VERY faint image of what appears to be an address bar embedded/"burnt" onto the desktop too.
I plugged my PC to my old monitor via a DVI cable (that monitor has no HDMI) and it's absolutely fine.
I've contacted LG regarding the situation.. but lets not sugar-coat the situation here - am I looking at getting a replacement monitor?