Hi all, thought I'd share my experiences with Scan. I returned the infamous PG279Q due to excessive backlight bleed. Not only do you obviously notice it when the screen is dark, but even with just normal dark backgrounds while you're working you can see the yellow light bleeding out from the corners. I had a horrible return experience with then via UPS, and then when it finally got there Scan reply that Asus do not consider the bleed to be bad enough and it's on its way back. I have sent them the photos below. The first image is with the brightness set to out of the box, didn't touch anything. The side by side shot (PG279Q on the left) is up against another IPS panel from Asus, the PB278Q, also bought from Scan. Brightness on 40 for both. I tried to live with it but every time I did anything with remotely dark backgrounds it was bothering me. Note that the PB278Q is £300 cheaper!
Hugely regret not buying from Amazon, thought the single delivery for all my goods would be easier to manage. Suppliers like Scan are happy to sell goods with poor QC and hide behind the manufacturer when they have customers who have spent almost £2800 with them on several goods, and only returned one of them, with good justification. I have sent emails, and the photos to them. They are not addressing my concerns directly and simply stated the monitor will be returned. I have written to Asus as well, so we'll see what happens there. To expect people to part with £600 of their hard earned money and be happy with a product of this quality is quite simply disgraceful. Hopefully posting here will help my case
(Unfortunately the forum will not let me post the images from a URL as I don't have enough posts. can this be lifted so I can post the photos of the monitor). Thanks