OK so got a new TV (hopefully returning in a few hours, whole other story), and I thought I'd mess about wiht custom res
So I started with 1080p/77hz. Passed. 90hz. Passed. 120hz. PASSED. 200hz MOTHERFLIPPING PASSED.
Am I missing something here ? Is this that fake refresh rate stuff TV use in play ?
I've not tried to game with em in case the test is like, yeah it works..but it's gonna blow the screen if you use it for more than the 2s we test it for.
What's y'all advice (apart from "stop being a poon and just test it). Is there a tool I can use to verify it's doing its job ?
EDIT: 90hz works bitcheeeeeeeees! God this is sexeh. Also I'm taking it back tomoz anyway so if it breaks it's fine haha (the 49" model is only £50 more)