HEXUS Community Discussion Forums FAQ

Here you can find answers to questions about how the board works. Use the links or search box below to find your way around.

Post Counts and Rewards

There are a number of features and facilities that become available when a registered member reaches a certain qualification, usually in terms of length of postcount, membership, or both. Some of these are designed merely to be a minor reward for activity on the board, but others are to prevent abuses by new members, and especially spammers. For example, brand new members can't use the PM (Personal Message) facility, because we had a number of cases where it was being abused by PM Spamming.

Some postcount rewards include :-

5 posts – can post hyperlinks

15 posts – can use PM's (Personal Message system) and edit profile fields, etc

20 posts - Scan2HEXUS free shipping

25 posts - thanks user

100 - access to the Shopping and retail therapy forum

200 – access to Gallery to submit images

200 – custom user title - alter comment under username

500 - custom avatar

Shopping and Retail Therapy section

HEXUS has three forums specifically for members that a buying and selling :-

- Classifieds - Sell your Stuff

- Wanted

- Current Bargains

The Classified section is for members to advertise and sell their own stuff. There are some fairly specific rules attached to this, and as they've evolved over the years we've been doing this, usually in response to problems and issues, we do insist on them being followed and enforce them.

Access to Classified is restricted to members with a minimum postcount, as per the Postcounts and Rewards section of this FAQ. The rules can be found in a Sticky in the Classifieds forum.

In addition, access to other parts of the Shopping and Retail Therapy section is restricted to registered members only, so if you're browsing as a guest and want to see it, you'll have to register.

These sections are facilities provided for regular, active members of HEXUS. We do review usage from time to time and reserve the right to withdraw access, entirely at our discretion, to any member that is not actively participating on other forums.

SCAN2HEXUS - Free shipping - Information and Rules - Updated 10/07/08

The SCAN2HEXUS Free shipping offer is a collaboration between HEXUS and SCAN as part of the HEXUS CARE support scheme, under which regular, active HEXUS members get free shipping on purchases from SCAN.

To qualify, you need to be an active member of HEXUS.

* There is a minimum order value of £20 EXCLUDING VAT

* Free delivery is to the UK MAINLAND only.

* You are required to have 20 posts before you will be able to register for the Free Scan delivery.

As a result of the above the following will take place should you place orders that do not abide by the rules set out above….

* Placing an order for less than £20 EXCLUDING VAT will result in the order being refused by Scan.

* Repeated abuse of the Scan shipping offer may result in your ability to use the service being revoked.

We understand that sometimes you want to order and pay for the shipping, this is easy to do; simply contact the Scan sales team and they can take your order over the phone for you.

Please abide by these rules as we want to maintain this offer, we do not want to have genuine participants losing out because people are abusing the system.

Many thanks

Team HEXUS.net

Please note: Spamming to get the 20 required posts may result in posts being deleted, and even your access to this offer being retracted. Please don't do it.

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