Ok, I get home and see my PCG UK - excited because Fallout 3 is on the cover and it has the review inside. Now checking out the contents I become a little disappointed since the promised Mirror's Edge review is missing (QQ), but upon turning the page my excitement is re-kindled when I see the words "Deus Ex 3" .
I'm really loving the funky cover this issue, so posting it here (Please remove if it's not allowed! But it is just the cover ).
In reality it's a little less vivid and a bit more washed out but I haven't time to photoshop it!
Now.. Deus Ex 3 is slated for 2010... so don't get too excited yet! It's also a prequel as you probably already know, focused on 'heavy-duty prosthetics' more than nanotechnology (think the models before Gunther Hermann!) and the prejudice against those who have augmentations.
Now here i'm not sure about the new developers! "We want to remove the RPG aspect of the fighting and make it more straightforward, like you see in games like Rainbow Six... So if you're good at shooting, the game will not tell you you're not good at shooting because your stats are low." I really hope they don't fall into the path of simplification that was Deus Ex 2 (whatever happened to those original screenies ).
Another quote to get a grasp at what the story will be about "The game takes place in a segregated world, and Jean-Francois cites the endemic racism of 1950s and '60s America as an inspiration for the imagery, attitudes and problems augmented people face in Deus Ex 3." "But his team are also drawing on more recent history to inform their story: specifically Oscar Pistorius, the double-amputee sprinter who was rejected from competing in the Bejing Olympics this year because his prosthetic 'blade' feet are 30% more efficient than human ankles. Jean-Francois sees this controversy as the first real-world example of the tensions his game will take to their logical extremes."
Also, it says that when you perform special augmentation moves your camera will zoom to 3rd person to show you what happens. And it'll make use of a cover system like Rainbow Six Vegas (this guy really likes his R6: Vegas...). PCG comment themselves "So far it looks as if DX3 will share its fate (invisible war). There's no way the hardcore fans will swallow a far-future aesthetic and "more straightforward" Rainbow Six combat. But there's also no way a game that copies this much of the Deus Ex template will be truly bad." "In the words of Bob Page: "We got a lot of things right when we made you, Denton.""
Right...moving on. There's a nice big guide to WotLK! Worth a read if you play WoW and pick the mag up! Personal mailbox for engineers (?) named MOLL-E lol!
And of course Fallout 3! "Glowing" "An excellently grim RPG" 90%