Check out this gundam game, Its a MMO set in the UC era, it used to be a live pay for play MMO but since then has been shut down.
Though has been recently revived.

Its fun free and importantly its GUNDAMUUUU!!!!

Anyway here is a link to the site

Dont be fooled when you first start to play it, its actually an easy game to play though I will say its not user friendly at first. Its kinda like a learning curve.

BTW the English community has started to diminish a little I'm posting because we really need people to start playing again I believe the word hasn't been spreading fast enough.

Here is some game play videos, looking forward to seeing you in game!

For the new players you should really look at the wiki posted below to learn how to play the game properly it explains allot of things that dont seem apparent the first time you play. Also there is always people around in Sydney who is willing to help new players such as myself. My IGN is Blah11 or Kidneybeans

A word of advice before you start playing this is a community with Japanese and English players, we try to respect each other.