Ok, i want a PS2, and i want to be able play import games on it, at the moment i can see that these are my options :-
1. buy an import USA/Jap PS2
2. buy a pre-chipped UK PS2
3. buy a standard UK PS2 and chip it myself
4. buy s standard UK PS2 and use 'swap discs'
now, the cheaper the better, but i would like it to work i'm quite happy to get a 2nd hand PS2 if that's an option, and i'm not too keen to get the soldering iron out unless necessary.
i've seen these :- http://www.wholesalemods.co.uk/ps2mod.php#
would a flip top lid and swap magic 2 disc combo coupled with a 2nd hand PS2 do the business or are there any better alternatives?
any input you might have would be greatly appreciated as i have very little background knowledge in the area!