Independance war 2 edge of chaos...
Darn fine game.. ibought it on the cheap in 2002 but never really played it due to not having a joystick.. now that i have one i installed it on my new rig.. WHAT A GAME.. i wish they made em like this nowadays.. inspired me more than hl2 has and i am still in the first act with the storm petrel.. had a hard time trakcing down the patch ( figures as the patch was realsed in 2001).. i don;t know when the game was realse but it must have been ages ago.. darn it ha aged well.. the pre-rendered cut scenes and decent voice acting and the fact that you rarley get close enough to enemy ships to see them in detail makes the gfx look great considering.. it is a pity there have been no real space games in the same vien recently.. freelancer was hampered by its "innovative" control system imo and x2/eve was to much a job rather than game., best of infrogames for this superb game.. heck when you reshack it for the goregous concept art you see on loading and find a sound " why do i have to wait for this ==== to load anyway".. you know it is gonna be a good game..