off half-life2.netThe ANON leaker/hacker (anonymous), has said in an undisclosed IRC channel and room that he will be releasing the Pre-Gold version of Valve's Half-Life 2 tomorrow with the 100% SourceCode. When asked why he will be releasing it so soon after the Beta he said "I suggested Valve to stop lying to their customers about how much was stolen. However, they disregarded my statement and called me a liar. Now they will see how much I have been lying when I release the Pre-Gold and all 100% of the sourcecode. Actions speak louder then words."
I was in the IRC channel and room when people where buzzing with the new news. I just wanted to let you guys know, for you all will know soon enough, especially when it will be out tomorrow. I just hope Valve does something and something real soon.
And for you guys that will come in here flaming, it is not fake and I did not make this up. In a little while go into any IRC channel (I won't tell you which) and you'll hear the buzz too. Remember, Im just trying to tell you guys what's up. Judge me tomorrow when it comes out if you want. I am not trying to support Warez but its not like I can do anything about it to stop him.
just when things are going awry