I have just switched over to a Shuttle SN95G5 which I must say is lovely All of my components are the same except I upgraded to 2GB of ram, my spec is;
Athlon 64 3500 Newcastle
2x 1GB Corsair Value
74GB Raptor
160GB WD Caviar
GeForce 6800GT w/ latest nVidia drivers
Shuttle SN95G5 nForce 3 Ultra w/ latest nVidia drivers
SB Audigy 2 w/ latest drivers
Now then, when I am in Battlefield 2 and have something moving on my screen - Say a tank or a chopper, the game seems to "lag" not "omg my graphics card cant take this" lag - rather a bit of a jerky lag. On my old system (Also on an nForce 3 platform but with 1GB of ram) I could run Battlefield 2 in 1280x1024 with a mixture of Medium and High detail and 2x AF without a problem. But on this new system I can only get away with everything on Medium and AF set to off
Anyone have an idea as to what could be up?