Any ideas? Thread title states all.
Bought a Core from Comet this morning, felt really lucky since many in front of me were turned down since they had preordered premiums and comet only had 5 cores to fulfil 11 preorders with (oo err) luckily i got the 4th one and picked it up with 2 games, Kong and PDZ for £289, quickly made a dart out of the door and for the nearest cab
Anyway the major flaw ive noticed with me just being thankful this morning of actually owning the most sought after item for today in Britian, is that I dont have a memory card or hard disk, so i cant resurrect my xbox live account or even save - which is obvious
Ive tried around, but cant seem to find any hope from Game or Gamestation, any bright sparks who've seen Hard disks in stock today when picking up their 360's?