Just in case any of you were wondering why Steven and I haven't been posting in here as frequently as we usually do, I thought I'd just quickly fill you all in on what's been going on.

Steven was sent up to sunny Edinburgh last the weekend before last to cover EIEF, the forum for which can be found here, with all the articles he produced listed in there too.

At pretty much the same time as Steven got back from EIEF, I disappeared off to Germany for the Games Convention 2006, and all the stuff I've been working on can be found in the Games Convention 2006 Forum, here as well as all over the front page of HEXUS.gaming.

GC 2006 was hugely succesful for us, as can be shown by the bloody enormous amount of work I still have to do just to get all the coverage up for the games we saw and publishers we spoke to...

So please do take the time to have a look at coverage especially as GC 2006 was a particularly tough one this year, being bigger than last year with more going on than before...

(oh and if you're a PR guy reading this and I haven't covered your games yet, be patient, I'm getting there... I only have one mouse! )