Just got a house network up and running - with two PCs to start with. So - what games are fun with only two players?
Just got a house network up and running - with two PCs to start with. So - what games are fun with only two players?
Serious Sam is always a goodun. Good laugh when i play it at LAN's with mates.
Some sort of racing game / Quake 1/2/3 (inc mods) / Half life / Doom (hehe).... i'll post more if i think of any!
System Shock 2!!! Brilliant stuff!
Duke Nukem 3d
Cheers, all. Good suggestions.
(especially to steve threlfall - I remember playing Duke two player via a null modem cable, years ago. Had to get my dad to drive my computer over to my mates house )
racing games will work well - I think i have an copy of need for speed HP2 somewhere I'll have to dig out... Got a few C&C games to play too.
While I love FPS games, most of the modern ones seem dull when you just have two players. We tried call of duty, but it was really, really dull until we found the behind enemy lines mode - on the battleship that was great!
I suppose I could buy another copy of BF1942 and we could play with bots...
With two you need bots...
Some left field suggestions.
Download some freeware network battleships if it exists. In linux Kbattleships Rox. Well. Its fun to hear your friends whine as you sink their submarine.
Try a networked version of snake (like tron) I had much drunk fun with a flatmate last summer with a home made version of this.
Carmageddon will be o.k. if you can stand the grafixxx today.
Just a thought. I wish somebody had made a net version of UFO enemy unknown where one person plays as the aliens. And the other as Xcom.......
then again. UFO is my fave game ever. Still fire it up once a year for a whole day.
me and my brother spent weeks only stopping to get food while playing diabo 2 it is an amazingly adictive game, never played much of the LOD expansion though cos this game eats time but was worth every second!
GTA - Its free from Rockstar now ... a great game to play on small LANS!
G4 PowerMac - Tiger 10.4 - 512MB RAM
MacBook - 2Ghz - 1GB RAM - 120GB HDD
Rotel RC970BX | DBX DriveRack |2x Rotel RB850
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GTA had multiplayer! I didnt remember that!Originally posted by unrealrocks
GTA - Its free from Rockstar now ... a great game to play on small LANS!
Cheers, i'll check that out.. Free is always good!
With GTA3, and VC you can get a thing called MTA. This allows mutliplayer, is fun, but no bots.
Battlefield 1942, and desert combat are good (64 bots)
Half life 32 bots (jumbot) on crossfire is pretty insane
Counter strike
Day of defeat
Need for speed: hot pursuit/underground (havent played on LAN myself)
Serious sam - just play on serious, co-op. tis great
Shame max payne doesnt have a mutliplayer.
| XP1600-m | ASUS AN78X Deluxe | r9700 pro | 2x512mb pc37000 |
Unreal Tournament.....2 player....with AI squad teams.
just puurrrrr-fection
Originally Posted by Advice Trinity by Knoxville
The original GTA was cracking in multiplayer mode! You could have races, deathmatches, and something else I can't remember. Back in the day, I had a P100 desktop and a P120 laptop hooked together via a serial cable for playing that and Quake/Doom/Virtual Pool/Duke Nukem 3D. Lots of fun
If ur up 4 some REAL old skool then dload an n64 emulator and put MarioKart 64 lol or any other classic N64 games u can think of ie golden eye, perfect dark etc.
"Duffman says alot of Things" - Duffman
Providing that you own copies of the original games, of course
The Caped Crusader :-)
Actually. I am giving a presentation this wed. about emulators..
According to nintendo.com the illegal part of emulation is the following..
copying a Rom
emulating patented nintendo hardware.
Basically breach of copyrights and trademarks - so they can sue anybody !
Even if you own the original cartridge. the act of ripping the data from the rom is considered illegal. Even though copyright allows you to make one backup copy of everything incase the original gets busted. the copyright is broken if your backup is stored in a different format.
So it should be o.k. to take a cartridge, read it, and write it to a blank cartridge and then run it on your snes when the original gets busted. but you can't copy it and then use it with an emulator because you are breaking the law in at least 3 places..
"Providing that you own copies of the original games" is pretty much a myth.
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