Hi everyone, i'm not sure if this has been posted as a topic before, I couldnt find anything recent using the search function.......
What with GoW and Vegas (and others) being released soon, I thought it would be a good idea to set up a Hexus clan. I was thinking that if anyone who was interested posted their GamerTag and the games they play on Live we could get the ball rolling in preparation for Friday!!!!
So here are my details:
Xx GreekTony xX (live is the only thing I have ever signed up to where some git has nicked greektony!! )
Live Games:
Halo 2 (don't rate it much so I dont often play)
PES6 (still unopened!!!)
PGR3 (still unopened!!!)
GoW on release day
R6 Vegas on release day
So at the moment i am a COD3 man Anyway, i know a lot of you are on Live so if you are step up to the plate so to speak!