Not to derail the thread on what we would like to see in Hexus but GeorgeTuk has now made a few references to the Geek. So, in the spirit of true geekiness, we should discuss terms and types of geeks, because it is becoming obvious that there is a whole subculture of geekdom, with many differing facets.
Lets start with Georgetuks signature, currently my favourite signature on the forum.
The Stealth Geek - A kind of geek that is becoming more and more common in todays society. 2-3 years ago, anyone with a PDA was an uber geek, but now if your phone isnt a PDA, MP3 player or Skype compatible, you just aren't in the game. The stealth geek however, while having a combination of the above, will actually use all features and even configure parts of them to suit their own needs!
Natural Habitat - At home in electronics stores, on the web, bars, clubs and all manner of social events, can fake a passing knowledge of sport, feign interest in fashionable subjects, all gleaned from reading FHM or Loaded
Hearts Desire - To be an Uber Geek AND be accepted by modern society
The Uber Geek - The master of all things geekdom, has a passion for all things electronic, builds own pc's to the highest specs, watercools them, mods the case, can offer advice (always condescending), but can't actually wire a plug. The Uber Geek is almost exclusively male and is highly excitable in the presence of the opposite sex, only functions well socially after the introduction of alcohol.
Natural Habitat - A Dark Dark room lit only by the glowing neon case lights and several TFT monitors, possibly in parents house.
Hearts Desire - either to be or to kill Bill Gates
The Mac Geek - Although similar in persona to the Uber Geek, the Mac geek will never admit this, being completely smug in their belief that Apple will rise to become the industry accepted standard and to prove once and for all that PC's are for losers, the Mac Geek will proudly display his Ipod, endlessly praise the virtue(s) of the Apple Mac, will have preordered his Iphone and will cry themselves to sleep at night because every game they try to run in softwindows requires a 2 button mouse. Heroes include Steve Jobs and Brent Sienna - see for more info
Natural Habitat - Starbucks, with a macbook, a grande latte and a superior sneer
Hearts Desire - to right click
The Pseudo Geek - A strange and mysterious character, the pseudo geek has been thrust into this role mainly because they are the only one who can work the family computer. Armed with no knowledge of programming languages, a smattering of MS Office experience and a newfound ability to be witty and urbane in chatrooms and forums, the pseudo geek spends their time making smart comments to other peoples posts, offering simplistic solutions to complicated technical issues and boasting of an imaginary social life.
Natural Habitat - Any forum where they maybe listened to, or they can copy/paste humorous links to another forum.
Hearts Desire - To actually be good at something in their own right
Feel free to add your own.