Yes, 28 Weeks Later, I went on Sunday to see this with the missus; we've both seen and love the original (28 DAYS later) so we weren't expecting this to be much of a good sequel.
After the opening set-piece, which was shockingly good we both changed our minds
If you've watched the original you will undoubtedly know it is on the violent side as has good narative structure and flow throughout.
But hearing so many "awfully" well-spoken English citizens does grind on your nerves knowing a yank directed it and there are the occasional spots of dodgy acting but put all of that aside and this film soon presents itself as a truly superb film on its own and even better as a sequel.
This is a must see film, if not for the sound effects, the visual effects, the exquisite soundtrack, the slick storytelling then perhaps to witness the fall of mankind unfold before your very eyes