Conscious of the fact that we all are about to subscribe to our future with the upcoming Local Elections, I thought I might throw some fat on the fire, given that recent threads have debated, all but "Black and White" on the future of the Labour Party and it's alternatives, and perhaps offer an alternate future, not just for you and yours, but maybe for generations........
Whoa!, opening gambit sounds like an ad for the Labour Party doesn't it, loads of spin but no'll be asking me for figures next, much of which of course, I will make up to suit myself and satisfy the "Dailies", who in themselves have little consideration for truth, as long as it is sensationlist\sexist\racist or damn right lies, that will be retracted after months in Court (mainly at the taxpayer's expense) with a three line apology hidden somewhere in a 42 page newspaper.
Now, whilst having read the opening paragraphs, you are thinking "Okay, right wing fanatic who will obviously vote for the Tories", I will need to correct you!.
Is there a Party worthy of our votes right now?.........we can all talk up the "No hope, but let's all vote for for the Liberals" and It'll make a difference......but they want to spend more money than either of the other (Labour and Conservative) parties, and in order to do that they will have to tax us far worse than Labour have done over the last ten years..........and before I hear the voice of Labour supporter's ringing in my ears about the Tories and taxation.....take a good look at yourselves and the incremental tax rises (including National Insurance......yeah okay, it's NOT a stealth TAX!!).
Slit your wrist time or......NO, we are not about to vote for the Green\BNP\Raving Loony\UKIP or any other marginal\low interest party.......we need a Unified and identifiable party that will, first and foremost, represent the collective,
Not be afraid to make decisions (that may well piss off the EU) but that are in the Interest of the UK and are upheld by UK Judges and Security Services, and cannot be overulled by some obscure Beaurocrat in Brussels.
Not be afraid to extradite undesirables (Hello EU, we meet again?!!) and their families and associates.
Not to be afraid to be a Sovereign State.......Yeah, okay the Queen and her family costs, but are we truly aware of the cost v benefit?.
Not to be afraid to deny access to peoples who are undesirable (Australia, we salute you!)
Is there a Party that fulfills these Goals and Objectives, of course not, each of them have become accostomed to a reality of "Black and White", who campaign on an "Ism"
If you be not afraid (or apathetic\retired\a mutant Ninja Turtle) then, mark your voting right as "None of The Above"........yes I know it's not on the voting register, but guess what?........if the Liberals can't garner your votes then what choice do you really have
After all, what other profession allows five years of Incompetence\Corruption to get in the way of progress?......except apathy and dissolution, and the belief that nothing will ever get better, regardless of who we vote for......IF you really want change then........
..........Let's see how many of you have the balls to add "None of the Above" to your voting options.......after all, it's only a record with MI5 yuu'll be adding to your CV!!