The words hero and celebrity are thrown around like rubbish nowadays. You only have to kick a ball into a net (whilst earning a salary which reads like a telephone no.) to be called a hero.
True heros are people like Henry Allingham and Harry Patch (who is still with us) and we will never see their likes again.
Although they went to war for their country , they hated killing and death and destruction, but they did it because it was expected of them, it was their duty and in those days, duty was everything.
I have a Godson who is a soldier as is his brother, who is fighting in Afghanistan, in Helmand Province. What must these old soldiers think of what we have all become? They fought so that we might live in peace.
They must be looking down upon us with great sorrow, that mankind still hasn't learnt it's lesson.
God rest you Henry and all those who went before you. Hopefully one day, we will learn.