What I don't get is why some people immediately think there's a blanket answer that covers all eventualities of any argument. Every time a contentious subject comes up, knees start jerking, fingers start righteously clattering away on keyboards, yet every single time, the answer should be "it depends on the circumstances"!
It's all too easy to make a bold statement saying "
OMG KILL THEM ALL" without considering all circumstances and then dismiss any counter arguments as "politically correct" or "bleeding heart" - for christ's sake some commenters on the BBC Have Your Say site appear to base their entire lives on it, but there is never, ever,
ever a one-size-fits-all (no pun intended) answer to questions such as this.
People are overweight for many reasons:
- They eat too much
- They're ill
- They're depressed
- They're not well enough educated
- Many other reasons, too many to list here.
How can the answer be anything other than "it depends on the circumstances"?
Technically, according to the BMI charts, I'm classified as "overweight", but FFS, everyone apart from the most self-righteous has their vices. I don't drink alcohol, I don't smoke, I don't take recreational drugs, I work full time, I treat other people as i'd hope to be treated myself, I've been faithfully married for nearly 11 years, I don't swear in front of people that may be upset by it, and I bring my son up with an appreciation for what's right and wrong, so people should just shut the hell up and let me eat my pizza without treating me like I'm utter, utter scum.