As you may have gathered from an earlier post, we've been looking at houses.
We made an offer on the house we loved and had it accepted, we've started the ball rolling now with a mortgage via HSBC (Tracker @ 4.49%, no penalties yadda yadda).
I've only two things playing on my mind and I don't think they're that 'big an issue', so hit me up with some advice;
1. Survey.
HSBC want £155 for Standard Valuation; this is a requirement and has to be paid - fine, no problem!
But then, they also offer two forms of survey both include the standard valuation and;
£355 - basic survey. This was described to me on the phone as being carried out by the same guy who values the house (ie. a non specific surveyor), he will effectively kick the tyres. I was also told that this would be an exterior survey, visually checking the basics... The basics presumably being; Roof, Damp Course, Subsidence?
£550 'more detailed' survey. This is done by an actual surveyor and in more depth. Although, when it was described it didn't sound that much more in depth; actual surveyor, interior and exterior checks. Sticking his head in the loft to check loft space.
Now I'm pretty well connected and know builders/plumbers/sparkys/gas men, so had been thinking about sacking the survey off and just getting 'the boys' round to check the basics that would probably be covered under a basic survey.
But also, every know and then I think sod it, £350/550 in the scheme of things isn't much. But when I get this feeling I look back over the email a mortgage advisor sent which said;
"If it's an older house (60+ years) then consider a full survey; If it's newer, perhaps just look at a basic"
Another thing I was told was that when our advisor had their survey carried out, it flagged up all sorts. Yet, 10 years down the line no work has been carried out to remedy any of the issues flagged...
When the basic survey was described to me, I just didn't fancy it at all. The fact that the valuer is doing it puts me off a lot. I'd rather split £300 between my mates.
2. Drain
There is what appears to be an outside drain on the land, which I presume is/was the main termination point for the cul de sac at one point. This worries me a tiny little bit, and I want to know at what point this might be raised as an issue.
Would a surveyor flag it, or would the solicitors flag it?
If the solicitors would pick this up in their search, then I'm pretty certain we'll forgo a survey.
So, What would you do? The house is a 3 bed semi and about 30 years old.