New Years Eve, in a friend's apartment lobby/living room area having a party. Got drunk. Was great. Left early as I had a trip to Kyoto first thing on New Years Day. That was a pretty cool (literally) trip but the purpose of the trip kinda fell apart...still I got drunk on some Taiwanese spirit stuff, lost drinking games, got covered in marker pen and then took the 1 hour trip home. Yesterday was awkward as invited to go Ice Skating, only it was me and a couple...well not really a couple but I think the girl had ulterior motives (well it was written all over her face). I tried to make my excuses but I made it all worse for them. My mate didn't want to be left alone with her...Today I did sod all, so more of the same from last year really.
Back to work tomorrow and I'm kinda looking forward to doing something rather than mope about...might finally ask the girl in the suit shop for her name...I keep seeing her and she keeps trying to talk to me in English...even though I buy nothing everytime.