wasn't there a woman who successfully sued a shop for god knows how much because she tripped over a child in a shop? the thing that really got me confused is that it was her child! ungrateful, useless yank.Originally Posted by subucni
back on topic; these yellow vested lollipop people look like more ways of trying to ensure us that 'our streets are safer'...what utter twaddle. what is a gormles idiot holding a big flourescent sign going to do if the sh*t goes down? scarper i'd imagine. as fast as their fat egs can take them.
Its probably all part of a 'government initiative', which we all know means 'utterly useless idea but hey, lets spend the tax payer's money as irresponsibly as we do the rest of it...'
utter joke to be honest. about as good as the new buses that fly round london; crap drivers are very very dangerous (I can't stress this enough) and give them a bigger faster machine (they've ditched lots of those red buses where you get on at the back) and its reciepe for disaster...hate them all.