So despite their name been a test for dyslexia, these silly toss pots have been at it again.
These guys like to protest against firms who are acting completely legally, and more importantly inline with their shareholder obligations, who only pay the least tax that they legally have to. This by many is the definition of 'correct tax return'. Myself I'm in this boat, I didn't include in my tax return an extra £500 because 13 years of labour have bankrupted us, I spent it on material things instead.
Now you've got to remember that not overpaying tax, despite everyone doing it is only OK when your the right kind of person, they have made clear its perfectly ok when its the gaurdian doing this ****.
Anyway, its probably clear I think they are a bunch of ******s who are engaged in a massive circle jerk right now, but I think they might have let all the soggy biscuits go to their heads.
#Step 1, commit crime.
#Step 2, brag about crime, admitting that you broke the law, try and make it sound more clever and fiendish crime than it was.
#Step 3, Profit.
What a bunch of retards.