Hi all, having a minor issue and looking for advice.
I signed up with a student accommodation company around a year ago (about December if I remember) and recently decided to cancel my contract as the place had lost its appeal to me and seemed overly expensive, after going through their website I noticed the freedom of information act mentions not seeing the place but also mentions 7 days, so I emailed to company and asked for some good will and cancel my contract.
Around 3 weeks to a month later they finally replied and said in about two lines cancelled, and had managed to not answer my question on a refund of the £250 deposit, again I emailed them and only just got a reply today after my third email to them when they stated that I was past the 7 days so no refund.
So do I have a leg to stand on? or should I just make a lot of noise and hope they pay out to shh me.
Thanks for any help.