So, I don't think I've ever had to resort to posting these on hexus before now, but its proving a bit tough in this current economic climate (damn I hate that phrase) to gather much dosh.
As I'm having to resort to going online, and raising some dosh for some good causes.
Basically myself and a friend are driving from Plymouth to Mali, or as close as we can safely and legally get in this ever changing world.
We are doing this in a 1991, Mk2 Golf, with some other people from this site here:
Its a rally, but there is no first place, merely the taking part that counts.
We set off on Boxing Day, and you'll be able to follow all our progress on our twitter feed!/TeamBBT
So think of this as a charitable donation to get me driving through a mine field, in through active al qaeda hotspots and border guards with itchy trigger fingers.
I'm currently trying to design a power system to take juice from the car (which I think is overcharging the battery and likely to kill it before we even get to Morocco!) to an old gopro which I want to set to take a time lapse every 10 seconds of our trip.
I'll keep this page updated with news and stuff over the coming months, but right now my left arm is feeling very dead, apparently I needed a booster to my yellow fever n Hep B.
The charity I'm supporting is one that I have a personal connection with and know first hand how much difference the littlest donation makes, so please every little helps.
TLDR; donate here