What is your understanding of psychosis, would you be able to recognise it & what would you do about it if you did (in someone else, or yourself)?
Psychosis..... a loss of contact with reality mentally.
generally there are 4 quite clear indicators.
sight – someone with psychosis may see colours and shapes, or imaginary people or animals
sounds – someone with psychosis may hear voices that are angry, unpleasant or sarcastic
touch – a common psychotic hallucination is that insects are crawling on the skin
smell – usually a strange or unpleasant smell
taste – some people with psychosis have complained of having a constant unpleasant taste in their mouth
delusions of grandeur
(confused and disturbed thoughts)
Their speech may be rapid and constant.
The content of their speech may appear random. For example, they may switch from one topic to another mid-sentence.
Their train of thought may suddenly stop, resulting in an abrupt pause in conversation or activity.
(a lack of insight and self-awareness)
the individual may not be able to identify they are having any form of psychosis.
Ask/help with possible drug use. Including milder legal ones such as coffee and alcohol.
Approximately 0.5 % of the population with have a psychotic episode for some it may be a one off for others they may experience some form of psychosis more frequently.
Psychosis in itself is not a conditions it is a symptom of mental health issues. usually associated with Bi-Polar or Schizophrenia but is also common in people with Borderline Personality Disorder, Schizo-affective disorder. and PTSD Post traumatic stress disorder.
It is something that the DVLA would need to know about in certain cases as it can impact on a persons ability to drive safely.
Most people have one every year.
The day the car insurance renewal comes through.
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