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Gp's and dentists do much less hours than Hospital doctors. Gp's don't do night shifts or rather don't have to, so you get lots of Locum GP's filling in the void, mostly European doctors who unfortunately have been in the news for the wrong reasons. However you cannot compare dentists here, they are mostly private nor are part of OP's original discussion.
Cosultants wise, more like late 30's early 40's.
This is a bit of a general blanket assumption and can be construed as racist. Not all Non British Doctors are bad. Nor all Doctors' are Robots, they are all humans, they can make mistakes that you or I can do. Doctors unfortunately are not remembered for what they do best, but rather what their mistakes are. They don't get a simple thank you from patients or colleagues alike, or rather 'it's your job' attitude. Simply no appreciation nor morale in the NHS. Driven by ever unrealistic demands from a Free NHS and expecting a private service. Just because something bad happens, doesn't mean it will happen again nor a reflection of the whole profession.
I'm sure that surgeon was disciplined aor at least been told about his error, but through his error are you going to blame the doctors taking care of your sick children or your relatives being treated for breast cancer or the foreign Doctors who I have seen a few to be excellent and harder working than their British Counterparts.
In addition to Foreign Doctors, they all have to do what's called a PLAB which is a medical exam for all NON E.U doctors to which they must pass. I think it's the E.U non English Doctors you have to worry about as they don't need to prove their skills nor grasp of Language through this exam, just producing their medical certficates to the GMC.
That is very ignorant and bigotry one size fits all attitude. nor welcomed here Oil Sheikh.