... for want of a stronger phrase, flipping crap. Yes, very annoyed I am.
Trying to arrange broadband at my parents house for them to use without tying up their phone line (not with Wanadoo, I might add). Service not installed yet thanks to BT peeing about and being their usual cheap scummy selves. They can't be bothered to remove the DACS (Digital Access Carrier System) from the phoneline to enable broadband...
Meanwhile, current internet usage is via Wanadoo Anytime. Anybody with DACS knows that your max modem speed is a mind-bending 28.8. Of course that assumes you can actually connect....
62 scum-sucking dial-up attempts it took for me connect THIS time, due to all 3 access numbers being engaged or just not responding. Since 4pm this afternoon, this is only the 2nd time I've managed to successfully connect. Call centre monkeys give me much rubbish; I feel the urge to batter people to death. And guess what? Less than 2 hours from now I'll be automatically disconnected and the whole stenching pandemonium carnival will begin all over again....
If I hadn't shaved my head earlier today, I'd be pulling significant clumps of hair from my scalp...
Sorry; had to get that off my chest.